Transcendent Vibes: Dave from Hollywood

I scream
When Mr. Kerman met Marco Maria, they both worked in that Gelateria.
Kerman said: «I wanna be in a band again»
Marco coldly replied: «I’m in so many, I need a nanny anyway»
Nahtanoj, who loved icecream, stood beside waiting for a chance to order
that famous Stracciatella in a cornetto:
«Hey guys, I know that weirdo from Kindergarden, who was shy as a glass
of milk, but now he seems to have turned into a fucking narcissist.
I think he would make a good frontman. I play the guitar, by the way.»
That’s how «Dave From Hollywood» was born.
And they sound like they were founded when a scoop of icecream was
ordered by an impatient guitarist from an experienced rhythm section
slaving away as Gelaterists.
Fucking cool and slightly nervous.

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täglich geöffnet | Sonntag bis Donnerstag 16h-1h | Freitag Samstag 16h-2.30h


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